Did You Know Where You Are Isn’t Always Where You Are?

Did You Know Where You Are Isn’t Always Where You Are?

Most of us were taught there are no stupid questions. If you don’t know something, ask. But sometimes the answer—rather the person providing the answer—can make you feel foolish for asking.   Question #1 – Food Years ago, Mom and I left my dad with his cousins in...
Did You Know Few Things are as Powerful as a Smile and a Wave?

Did You Know A Cat’s Tail Tells The Tale?

If you’ve ever been around cats, you know they communicate with their tails. One of the first things you learn is to leave alone a cat lashing his tail. I learned this as a child, though not in the way you might expect.   The Tale of the Tail When I was six, we...
Did You Know Flooding Doesn’t Always Involve Water?

Did You Know Flooding Doesn’t Always Involve Water?

Say the word, “flooding,” and what comes to mind? If you live along the Gulf or East coast, you may think hurricane. In hilly, interior regions of the country, a heavy rainstorm can produce flash flooding. Both are acts of nature, but any liquid, given the right...

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