by B.L. Unkel | Apr 1, 2021 | Holidays
Today is April 1st, also known as April Fool’s Day, and I want to share with you something emailed to me years ago. According to the Truth or Fiction? website’s blog, posted March 17, 2015, the following is not true. Nevertheless, I believe this fictional judge...
by B.L. Unkel | Feb 17, 2021 | Holidays
During the craziness of 2020, we probably saw more random acts of kindness than we’ve seen in the past twenty years. I’m not saying there were more acts, just that we’ve been made more aware of them thanks to social media. (Check out the Random Acts of Kindness Day...
by B.L. Unkel | Feb 2, 2021 | Holidays
When someone names a holiday, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it food? If it isn’t, I’ll bet food is a close second. EXAMPLES OF HOLIDAY FOOD: Thanksgiving = Turkey & Dressing New Year’s = Cabbage & Black-Eyed Peas Easter = Ham...
by B.L. Unkel | Jan 1, 2021 | Holidays
A few months ago, a friend of mine shared something she’d heard on the radio. It really impacted her life. The man had said: “Dreams come in Size 2X so we can grow into them.” What a wonderful thought. How many of us have dreams we sometimes—okay, often— think are...
by B.L. Unkel | Dec 26, 2020 | Holidays
How many of you have heard of Boxing Day? It began in Britain during the Victorian era. The original purpose of the day was to give to the less fortunate. Servants had to work on Christmas Day, so they were given time off to visit their families the next day, December...