by B.L. Unkel | Sep 30, 2023 | Baking
October 1 is National Homemade Cookies Day. Who doesn’t love fresh-from-the-oven homemade cookies? The Cookie According to a cookie is a small, usually round and flat cake, the size of an individual portion, made from stiff, sweetened dough, and...
by B.L. Unkel | Sep 23, 2023 | Writing
It’s time for another foray into the past to answer the question: Why do we say the things we say? Phrases When you use certain phrases, you know what they mean, but if you stop and consider the actual words, they often don’t make sense . . . not unless you...
by B.L. Unkel | Sep 2, 2023 | Everything Else
Did you know if you had a pet as a child, you’re more likely to have a pet as an adult? Dogs During the past few years, pet ownership has been on the rise. The 2023-2024 APPA National Pet Owners Survey claims 66% of U.S. households have a pet. That’s up 10%...
by B.L. Unkel | Aug 26, 2023 | Everything Else
The 2023 Dog Days of Summer (July 3-August 11) have officially ended. Unfortunately, as explained in last year’s DYK the Dog Days of Summer Won’t Always Be in Summer, they have nothing to do with the calendar or the family pet. (Too bad, since if this summer’s brutal...
by B.L. Unkel | Aug 12, 2023 | History
National Dollar Day was August 8. That was the day in 1786 the Continental Congress decided the country’s money unit would be the dollar. History As mentioned in DYK This Eagle Was Almost a Turkey, starting a new country came with a long to-do list. The first...