Did You Know November is NaNoWriMo?

Did You Know November is NaNoWriMo?

November is a special month for authors, both because of NaNoWriMo and because of National Author’s Day.   NaNoWriMo NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It started in 1999 as a challenge: Write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days—writing only,...
Did You Know Yawning Cools Down Your Brain?

Did You Know Yawning Cools Down Your Brain?

Your strongest muscle and worst enemy is your mind. Train it well. – Anonymous   Your Brain Your brain isn’t really a muscle, but it’s more important and more powerful than your strongest muscle. It controls every function of your body—both physical and mental....
Did You Know The “Montgomery Miracle” Wasn’t a Sports Play?

Did You Know You Can Be In Two Places At The Same Time?

I love to travel. (Though after years of doing so for work, any traveling I do now is strictly for fun.) But travel’s not always practical or feasible, especially if you’re talking about far-off places.   Travel In the past, if you wanted to see a specific place...

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