It’s hard to believe it’s already been one year since I embarked on this website and Did You Know? journey.

I didn’t begin because I thought it would be fun. No, I was dragged—kicking and screaming—into the world of social media because, in today’s publishing world, the honest (and terrifying) truth is agents and editors expect it.

When I finally conceded to this reality, I faced one major hurdle. I was totally clueless on how to go about having a social media presence.

Thankfully, my friend, Talitha, wasn’t. One of her many talents is envisioning and designing the perfect website for a person. While I’ve seen her do this for people she’s just met, she’d known me long enough to know exactly what I needed to do once I caved.

I can’t say I was happy when she suggested I write a blog. When I started to argue—I’d pictured just throwing up a website and calling it done—she pointed out not only would the Did You Knows (DYKs) showcase my writing, but my professionalism. She also promised it would be easy once I got the hang of it. She said, “Betty, from the moment we met, you’ve shared all kinds of ‘Did You Know?’ stories and quirky and interesting bits of information. And that’s what you need to do.”

She was right. I love sharing my DYKs and it did get easier. I’ve learned new things and had lots of fun along the way, especially creating my Thursday Facebook DYK Teasers.

I committed to weekly DYKs, and I’ve honored that commitment, hard as it often was. And I think—I hope—you have enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing and sharing them.



Thanks to Talitha, who, when presented with that “inch,” took a mile and put all of this into motion; Blake, website builder and troubleshooter extraordinaire; and Baley, the force behind Red Griffin. Without all of you, I’d still be struggling to find my way.

Thanks to sister writers Shelia, Karen, Margaret, and Talitha for all your love and support over the years.

Thanks to Mom for always being there when I needed someone to read and critique my DYKs and DYK teasers. And thanks to the rest of my family, especially Dad, for not only supporting me but starring in so many of my DYKs.


New Topic Category

Counting this DYK, I’ve written a total of 65 and still have thousands of ideas for the future.  However, because there were times I couldn’t spin a story to fit in one of my topic categories (Baking, History, Holiday, Travel, and Writing), I’ve decided to add a new category called Everything Else. Watch for it in the future.


Contest Results

With the help of my neighbor’s three sons, and under the watchful eye of their policeman father, a subscriber’s name was randomly drawn. I’m pleased to announce the winner of the $25 Amazon gift card is Adrienne B.


Final Words . . . For Now

Thanks to all of you readers who, a year ago, took a chance on my DYKs and have come back week after week to read—and often comment on—what I’ve written. I’m thrilled to know you find these stories and bits of trivia as fascinating as I do. Thanks again for your support!




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