Back in November of 2021, I posted “Did You Know He Made My Day When He Said: “I’ll Be Mother.” That DYK recounted one of two special memories I made while sightseeing around England’s Lake District with David, a tourist from Southern England. As promised, here is the other one.


Setting the Scene

Driving through the Lake District can be challenging. Many of the roads, especially in the mountains, are single lanes. (Meaning, if you meet a car, the only way to pass is for one of you to back up to the nearest wide spot.) The roads can also be very rough, twisty, and steep.

Did you know one of the worst mountain roads in the Lake District is the road from Coniston to Wastewater? Although the road stretches only 6-8 miles, it can take 2.5-3 hours to drive it.


The Warning Signs

Since David had invited me to see the Lake District with him, we took his car. Whether we were on the Coniston to Wastewater Road or not, I don’t remember, but the warning signs soon appeared. If you’ve driven in mountains, you’ve seen them, the signs preparing you for the steep grade ahead. We’d seen them several times throughout the trip, but this ascent was different. The signs grew more numerous the higher we drove, and, if possible, more ominous. But it was the last sign, the one at the crest of the mountain I wish I had a photograph of. It simply said: You’ve Been Warned!


The Fear

That caught my attention—as did the road disappearing over the side of the mountain—and sent a trickle of apprehension through me. I turned to David to see what he thought of it, and the trickle became a deluge. I’ve never seen terror etched so deeply on a face. He clutched the steering wheel (or driving wheel, as it’s called over there) so tightly, it appeared he’d squeezed all the blood out of his fingers. That’s when it hit me—he feared heights! Had I known this before we left the B&B, I’d have suggested we take my car. His was a stick shift, something I had problems driving on level ground; I sure wasn’t about to try my luck on that steep mountain road. So, with no other choice, he continued to drive.


Facing the Fear

I give the man kudos. He may have been scared to death, but he kept his cool and got us down safely. What’s funny is I didn’t think the descent was that bad, but I’m sure it added a few gray hairs to his head.

Thanks to David, I not only had a memorable day exploring the Lake District, but I saw true courage displayed. He knew what he’d be facing on those mountain roads, but he didn’t let his fear stop him. He met it head-on, and, hopefully, other than those few minutes of sheer terror, enjoyed our day of sightseeing as much as I did.



Although I don’t have a photo of that You’ve Been Warned sign, I’ve never forgotten it and have often wondered if it was someone’s idea of a joke.


Speaking of photos, I had to laugh when I looked at the ones taken that day, especially the ones of David. As with all young people, “older” adults can seem ancient. David had children and grandchildren, which may have helped shape my view of him. But looking at his photo now, I realize, he wasn’t that old.

David preparing to “Be Mother” and make tea.


David jumping a stream for a photo.






Mountain road with a warning sign on the left.


A view down into a valley from up in the mountains.








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