If you’ve ever been around cats, you know they communicate with their tails. One of the first things you learn is to leave alone a cat lashing his tail. I learned this as a child, though not in the way you might expect.


The Tale of the Tail

When I was six, we visited my aunt in Tennessee. She had a beautiful old Siamese cat I really wanted to pet, but every time I got close, he ran away. Then one day, I found him asleep on the couch. Though he awoke as soon as I touched him, he just lay there, staring at me.

I ran my hand down his back. His fur was sooo soft.

Moments later, my aunt entered the room and, seeing me petting Baby, she made a beeline straight for us. “Dear, Baby doesn’t want to be petted anymore.”

“He does.” I argued.

“No, he doesn’t.”

I frowned. “Why do you say that? How do you know?” 

“He told me.”

I wasn’t buying it. “Cats can’t talk.”

“Of course, they can.” She smiled. “They talk with their tails. He tried to tell you, but you weren’t listening.”

Really? Why hadn’t anyone ever told me? “I’ll listen now,” I promised. “Will you put his tail in my ear so I can hear him?”

Kids really do say the darndest (and cutest) things.

(I might not have been the brightest six-year-old, but you gotta give me credit. I had a good imagination, even back then.)


How to “Speak Cat ”

  • DYK a cat expresses his worry or displeasure by lashing his tail? A tail slapping the ground is a clear warning to leave him alone.
  • DYK a lowered tail, especially tucked under a cat’s body, can indicate he’s scared or nervous?
  • DYK a cat displays confidence and happiness when he holds his tail up high? And if he adds a little shake to the tail’s tip, he’s ready for you to love on him.
  • DYK a cat shows affection by wrapping his tail around you?

By the way, have you ever wondered why a cat will head straight to the one person in the room who doesn’t want him on their lap? It’s because the cat sees that person as the most nonthreatening and feels safe giving in to his curiosity when it pushes him to investigate why that particular human doesn’t find him interesting.




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