Did You Know “Chewing the Fat ”  Really Means Chewing the Fat?

Did You Know “Gift ” Can Be Spelled J__RN_L?

Last Friday I happened to catch Wheel of Fortune.  I don’t watch it often, but when I do, it’s always fun to try and solve the puzzles before the contestants. That night, the final puzzle, which the contestant and I both answered correctly, was “Keeping a Journal.”...
Did You Know “Chewing the Fat ”  Really Means Chewing the Fat?

Did You Know I Set an Extra-Large Dream for 2021?

In yesterday’s “New Year’s Holiday Bonus: Did You Know Dreams Come in Different Sizes?” I challenged you to start the new year with big dreams. Today, I want to share with you my big dream for 2021. I’ve had a number of different dreams during my life, but only one...
Did You Know “Chewing the Fat ”  Really Means Chewing the Fat?

Did You Know Owning Books Matters?

In August 2019, Samantha Cleaver wrote 7 Surprising Facts About Reading that Prove It All Adds Up for weareteachers.com. The second fact on her list is the importance of children owning their own books. The basis for this claim came from a twenty-year study completed...
Did You Know Reading Is Essential?

Did You Know Reading Is Essential?

By the end of third grade, if a child isn’t reading on a third-grade level, their reading skills are unlikely to ever catch up to their grade level. Of course, never say never, but . . . Last month as everyone prepared for a new—if uncertain, thanks to Covid—school...
Did You Know Reading Is Essential?

Did You Know How It All Began?

Do you like trivia? I do, especially when it’s about my favorite subjects: baking, history, travel, and writing. As the unofficial family historian, I’m also fascinated by unusual or funny stories of those who came before me. But I don’t just collect these nuggets, I...

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