Did You Know You’re A Pebble?

Did You Know You’re A Pebble?

Have you ever tossed a pebble into a still body of water and watched the ripples it creates? As they move outward, they affect everything they touch. You’re like that pebble. Everything you do and say affects those around you. Recently, my family received the sad news...
Did You Know You’re A Pebble?

Did You Know Australia Fought Gangs with Music?

Music is powerful.   Gangs Back in June of 2006, Australia had a problem with youth gangs congregating in residential areas late at night. Officials thought outside the box and delivered a unique solution. Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, from 9 P.M. to...
Did You Know You’re A Pebble?

Did You Know I Once Eavesdropped on a Murderer?

What do you do when you overhear a murderer talking about the murder she committed? Not a question most of us have ever had to consider, but that’s exactly the situation I found myself in several years ago while vacationing in England.   Setting the Scene I’d...
Did You Know You’re A Pebble?

Did You Know These 22 Letters Helped Change the World?

September is Read a New Book Month. Books are magical, transporting the reader into other worlds, times, careers, and situations they would never otherwise experience. But books wouldn’t be possible without a way to convey this magic.   The First Alphabet A book...

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