Did You Know You Don’t Have To Be A Professional Writer To Love Writing?

Did You Know November is NaNoWriMo?

November is a special month for authors, both because of NaNoWriMo and because of National Author’s Day.   NaNoWriMo NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It started in 1999 as a challenge: Write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days—writing only,...
Did You Know You Don’t Have To Be A Professional Writer To Love Writing?

Did You Know Doctors Once Used Frogs to Cure Coughs?

It’s time for another foray into the past to answer the question: Why do we say the things we say?   Phrases When you use certain phrases, you know what they mean, but if you stop and consider the actual words, they often don’t make sense . . . not unless you...
Did You Know You Don’t Have To Be A Professional Writer To Love Writing?

Did You Know “Did You Know” Is Three?

Recently, several people have asked where I get my ideas. As any author will tell you, ideas come from anywhere and everywhere. My fiction stories begin with the writer’s standard question “What if…” when I see or hear something that catches my attention. For my DYKs,...
Did You Know You Don’t Have To Be A Professional Writer To Love Writing?

Did You Know You Can Visit Other Worlds With This?

Since the dawn of mankind, oral storytelling has been used to pass stories from one generation to the next. With the invention of the written word and, over time, the increased availability of affordable books, the tradition of oral storytelling almost disappeared....

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