Did You Know What Happened to the Guam Snails?

Did You Know What Happened to the Guam Snails?

Back in 2003, as I prepared to travel to Guam for work, I was told the story I shared in last week’s Did You Know Armadillos Don’t Fair Well In . . . Guam? There is a mention, in information about the Governor, of armadillos being transported to Guam from Texas—but...
Did You Know What Happened to the Guam Snails?

Bonus: Did You Know Armadillos Have Migrated North?

No, my Did You Know? newsletter hasn’t moved to Fridays. Tomorrow morning, you’ll still receive the advertised and scheduled Did You Know What Happened to the Guam Snails? This is just an unexpected, bonus Did You Know? follow-up. Enjoy! As the saying goes, timing is...

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