Did You Know a Necklace Made with This Body Part Was Thought to Bring Good Luck?

Did You Know Life Really Can Imitate Art?

Have you ever been so tired you couldn’t think straight? That was me last week as I made the final push to put my house on the market. I hated to miss writing my weekly Did You Know? but it couldn’t be helped. My brain just wouldn’t cooperate. I couldn’t think of...
Did You Know a Necklace Made with This Body Part Was Thought to Bring Good Luck?

Did You Know Some Harps Don’t Have Strings?

Have you ever wondered where my DYK ideas come from? The answer is simple. Everywhere. This week’s DYK is a perfect example.   The Idea Last weekend I made another quick trip to Texas with a truckload of items I “decluttered” from my house in preparation for...
Did You Know a Necklace Made with This Body Part Was Thought to Bring Good Luck?

Did You Know Ferrets Have Their Own Day?

Welcome to April 2. Did you survive yesterday’s April Fool’s Day jokes? Or are you one of those people who love to play the jokes? Did you know no one knows exactly when and where April Food’s Day originated? April 1, 1700, though, is the day it began its rise in...

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