All animals are fascinating, but some are more so than others. Recently, I learned that most woodpeckers’ long tongues retract into their mouth past the back of the skull and up over the top of the skull. In other words, their tongue wraps around their skull. Who knew?

Here are a few more interesting animal tidbits for you to ponder.


Did You Know…  Domestic Animals

  • Dogs only sweat on the pads of their feet.
  • The only colors a dog sees are yellow, blue, and gray.
  • A dog’s nose print—just like a human fingerprint—is unique.
  • Cats only meow to communicate with humans.
  • Some cats are lactose intolerant, but all lack the ability to taste sweetness. (So, no point in sharing your ice cream with them.)
  • Using their eyes and ears is how horses communicate with each other.


Did You Know…  Wild Animals

  • Butterflies taste with their feet. They only lay eggs on leaves their taste sensors tell them caterpillars can eat.
  • Tigers have striped skin under their striped fur.
  • Algae can grow on three-toed sloths they move so slowly.
  • A single strand of spider silk is five times stronger than a strand of steel the same size.
  • Honeybees’ wings flap 200 times a second. In comparison, a hummingbird’s wings flap 10-80 times a second, depending on the species.
  • Only the adult female African buffalos “vote” on which way to travel. They display their choice by standing up and looking in the direction they want to go, then lying back down.
  • In the winter, reindeer’s eyeballs turn blue to help them see in lower light conditions.


Did You Know…  Ocean/Sea Animals

  • Sea lions are the only mammal—other than humans—that can keep a beat. They can tap their flippers in rhythm.
  • Wild dolphins call each other by name.
  • A mantis shrimp can heat the surrounding water to 8,500 degrees Fahrenheit with an arm.
  • What has nine brains, three hearts, and blue blood? An Octopus.
  • For protection, a knifefish creates an electric field around itself.
  • The tongue of a blue whale can weigh more than a female elephant. (That’s about six grand pianos.)


Bonus Did You Know…

There’s an animal called a binturong that has the body of a bear but the face of a cat. And though it’s called a bearcat, it’s not related to either bears or cats.

An interesting tidbit about the binturong is the females are one of only a few mammals that can choose when their babies are born. This ability means they can make sure the best environmental conditions are in place to raise their young.

But the strangest—and best—thing about the binturong? It smells like a batch of freshly popped and buttered popcorn!




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