What do you call it when things unexpectedly fall into line or go your way? Do you consider it simply a stroke of good luck? Or do you consider it a miracle? I choose to see these instances as miracles.



What is a miracle? Dictionary.com defines a miracle as (1) an effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause, (2) such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God, and (3) a wonder; marvel.

To me the word “miracle” is one-size-fits-all. Miracles can be large or small, profound or simple. Regardless, they are unexpected and beneficial. During the past year, as I first prepared then began to move, I encountered many miracles, but one stands out from all the others.


The Choice

Every time I prepared to load a rental truck, I played dodge the rain. But no loads were more threatened than the next to last one. I started with two choices. I planned to pick up the truck on Wednesday and the laborers would load it on either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. When I learned the cost would be $300 more for them to come on Wednesday, the decision was made. Loading would be done on Thursday.

The arrangement was made more than a week before the actual date, and well before a weather report. Since I’d been dodging rain all year, it wasn’t surprising to eventually learn Thursday was the one day that week rain was expected with an approaching cold front. Initially, I’d hoped the front would speed up, pushing through before time to load. (That happened the next week with my last load.) But, no, rather than speed up, it slowed down.


The Rain

The laborers were to arrive between 9-11. While I’d hoped they’d come at 9, it was after 10:15 before they appeared. As they worked, I watched the clouds roil in the sky above the houses across the street. I checked the radar every few minutes, praying the rain would hold off until they’d finished. And though the rain inched closer, it did stay just to the west.

The guys were efficient and fast. Barely two hours later they’d loaded the rental truck and were waving goodbye. As they left, I walked to the garage to get a TV box out of my truck. (Easier to carry it up the driveway into the house than try and maneuver it up the stairs.) I dropped it in the den, grabbed the lock for the rental truck I’d left in the kitchen, and walked back outside. As I snapped the lock closed on the truck’s back doors, thunder crashed overhead. The front that had been stalled all morning finally began to move. I’d barely closed the front door behind me when the sky opened up, and the rains crashed down.


My Conclusion

I could say I was lucky. It was simply good timing, finishing the loading only minutes before the rains came. But I won’t. There’s no question in my mind I experienced a miracle, and I said a prayer of thanks for it.

I believe every day is filled with miracles of all sizes. Some you see and some you don’t, but they’re there. So, the next time something unexpectedly good happens, take a minute and consider. Were you just lucky or were you blessed with a miracle?




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