Once upon a time, after all their children had left the nest, my parents opened their home to Jeff, a college student who had been hired as the church’s summer youth director. He was a nice young man, and they enjoyed getting to know him. But as summers tend to do, it flew by, and it was soon time for Jeff to return to college.


The Gifts

The day he packed his car to leave, Mom gave him two tins of chocolate peanut clusters. (For those of you who don’t know, peanut clusters are simply peanuts stirred into melted almond bark before being scooped out to harden in small clusters.) One tin of candy was for Jeff, but the other was for Mom’s friend, Barbara, who worked at the college.


The “Oops”

Jeff promised to deliver the candy to Barbara as soon as he returned to campus, and Mom waited for her to call. Several days passed, but no call came. Finally, Mom broke down and called Jeff.

She discovered the reason Barbara hadn’t called was because she hadn’t received the candy. Jeff confessed that when he returned to campus, he’d forgotten it. He’d left the candy tins in his car and the candy had quickly melted. DYK, August in Texas can be just a tad hot?


The Embarrassment

When Mom filled the tins, she added cut-to-size dividers of wax paper in between the layers of candy. So rather than one large lump, the candy had melted into several round, tin-size layers. To Jeff’s horror, the pretty peanut clusters now looked like cow patties.

Embarrassed, he’d hoped Mom would forget all about the candy. She didn’t. But to his relief, she laughed and told him not to worry. She knew Barbara would find it funny, too.

After hearing the story, I began to refer to peanut clusters as “cow patties,” to tease Mom. Unfortunately, the name stuck in my mind. DYK offering someone a cow patty to snack on can be embarrassing?


The Morals of This Story

How food looks, or what it’s called, isn’t as important as how it tastes.

Unless you’re allergic to, or simply don’t like peanuts or chocolate—and yes, believe it or not, there are some people who don’t like chocolate—if you’re offered a “cow patty,” don’t hesitate to accept. They really are tasty.






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