Some people are very active in sports. Others, not so much. But even if you’ve never watched sports, much less participated in them, sports touch your life. (And not just because a playoff or championship game preempted your favorite television show.)

I don’t care who you are, you talk sports every day.

Don’t believe me? Read on.


Sam and Bob

Sam turned and gave Bob a fierce look. “I don’t care what he said. I’m not letting him off the hook. The ball is in my court and I’m running with it.”

“Just don’t drop the ball,” Bob warned. “You’re skating on thin ice. You may almost be neck and neck with him, but you haven’t made the cut yet. Take time out if you need to. Remember, there are a lot of people going to bat for you.”

“Not enough. Not yet,” Sam grumbled. “I’m on the ball, but some people are still waiting to take sides.”

“Can you blame them? You’re the dark horse, Sam. Straight out of left field. Just stay focused on the prize. If you hit the bullseye, none of this will matter.”

“Don’t worry,” Sam said. “I have the upper hand, and I’m going to beat him to the punch. I learned the ropes the hard way, but I don’t have to hit below the belt to win. My plan will blindside them with its simplicity. I’m going to knock it out of the park.”

“Confidence is one thing, buddy. Being overconfident is another. Don’t jump the gun.”

“Chill, Bob. I’m on target, right where I should be. Thanks to you, I got a head start. He may have done this before, but this time it’s three strikes and he’s out.”

Bob sighed. “Just keep your eyes on the ball and give it your best shot, Sam.” Even if it is a long shot. But Bob kept that thought to himself. “Remember, he’s the front runner and it’s probably going to come down to the wire.”

“Don’t sweat it, man. This time I’m taking the bull by the horns. I may be out of his league, but my plan will level the playing field. He’s met his match in me. I won’t be the one to throw in the towel. I’m going the distance.”


What did you see?

Did you notice anything special about the story? (Other than it lacked specifics of what’s happening and why.)

It’s overflowing with sports idioms. According to, “an idiom is a phrase, saying, or a group of words with a metaphorical (not literal) meaning, which has become accepted in common usage.”

Have you ever used any of the phrases Sam and Bob used? If so, you’ve talked sports. Sports are so ingrained in our culture we’ve integrated many of their phrases into our everyday speech. So, next time you start to tell someone you have nothing to do with sports? Remember this and rethink your answer.


Can you guess how many sports idioms (phrases) Sam and Bob used and from which specific sport they originated?  Click here to see if you’re right.



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