When someone names a holiday, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it food? If it isn’t, I’ll bet food is a close second.


     Thanksgiving = Turkey & Dressing

     New Year’s = Cabbage & Black-Eyed Peas

     Easter = Ham & Easter Eggs

     4th of July = Hamburgers & Hot Dogs

     Halloween = Candy & Caramel Apples

So what food comes to mind for Groundhog Day, you ask? I learned the answer to that question many years ago when I worked for Odom’s Tennessee Pride.

My fellow employees and I loved to celebrate holidays by bringing food to work. We didn’t care what holiday we celebrated, just as long as it involved food. Once, when we’d gone too long without a holiday, we made one up: “Green Food Day.” (And, as the name implies, you could only bring green food.)

Anyway, our favorite holiday was Groundhog Day. If you haven’t figured out why, I’ll spell it out. Odom’s Tennessee Pride was a sausage company. And what is sausage? Ground hog.

Speaking of groundhogs, I have one living at my house, or, more accurately, behind my house. With all the trees around, I’m hoping he won’t see his shadow today. Although it’s been a relatively mild winter so far, I’d prefer not to have another six weeks of it.

I don’t see him often, but when I do, I try to take a few photos. This was Mr. Groundhog one spring day a couple of years ago.


You’re taking my photo? Wait! Get my profile.


See. Don’t I look handsome?





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