Did You Know Gravestones Tell Stories, Too?

Did You Know Gravestones Tell Stories, Too?

Have you ever visited a cemetery and just walked around reading the headstones? If you know what to look for, they can tell you a story. First—and most obvious—what is written on the headstone? Is there more than just the person’s name, birth, and death dates? Next,...
Did You Know History Lives in Cemeteries?

Did You Know History Lives in Cemeteries?

One of my favorite cemeteries in the Nashville area is the Nashville City Cemetery. It’s the “oldest continuously operated public cemetery in Nashville.”1 It opened on January 1, 1822, and by 1850 contained over 11,000 graves of people from every race, religion, and...
Did You Know History Lives in Cemeteries?

Did You Know a Casket Can Be More Than Just a Casket?

As I said last week in Did You Know You Can Be Alive and Still Be Pronounced Dead? people in years past had a genuine fear of being buried alive. The fear of that happening, called taphophobia, hit its peak in the Victorian era (apx. 1820-1914). Prior to embalming...

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